
Oil & Coal & Jewelry

Permanent Gauge PK

The PK system records pressure and temperature in deep wells. Typical applications are oil or gas, deep water and geothermal wells. Surface data from other sensors may be fed into the system. Data may be displayed, analyzed, transferred to remote data transmission systems, and used to control components of the well installation.


  • Availability of data on the surface in real time.
  • Display and storage of data at site, and remote data transmission.
  • Monitoring of and automatic response to alarm situations.
  • Continuous monitoring of fluid levels in oil or water wells.
  • Control of pump operation according to fluid level changes.
  • Suitable for deep well sucker rod, electric submersible and screw pumps.

Taking additional measurements and control tasks as per customer specifications may be performed. Optional power systems use solar energy and batteries. Surface equipment may be supplied completely assembled and/or mounted in weather-proof cabinets.
