
Oil & Coal & Jewelry

Dynamometer DYN 77

Dynamometer logging only achieves maximum significance, if the instrument can be fitted quickly and without interruption of the pumping process or change of the plunger setting-depth. Its installation is so simple that it can be fitted without special training by any field operator. In contrast to other dynamometers in the market, the Dynamometer DYN 77 fits these basic requirements ideally, because it may be fitted to the traveling polished rod and registers the actual cyclic fluctuations of pump loading within minutes without disturbance of subsurface conditions.

This instrument records the polished rod load (instantaneous load) throughout the working cycle of a deep well pump. It provides accurate information about pump efficiency and the production that may be expected from it. It allows for recognizing the onset of pump failures, such as plunger or barrel wear and worn or sticking valves, prior to a production drop becoming apparent.
